实施全面化学教育 提高人才培养质量
Practising all round Chemical Education in every Aspect and Enhancing the Quality of Personnel Training
姚天扬 南京大学化学化工学院, 210093 
王志林 南京大学化学化工学院, 210093 
摘要: 戴安邦教授在进行科学研究的同时,毕生致力于人才培养工作。先生长期从事化学基础课教学,由于其讲课丰富、生动形象,在解放前已名誉金陵,所著“无机化学教程”仍为经典之作,文革以后先生年事已高,致力于培养中青年教师。在此期间先生力主改革,对教学思想发表了许多精辟之言。早在60年代,先生就提创启发式教学,著有“启发式八则”一文。他一贯重视实验教学,明确反对“抓方配药”式的实验教学,大力提倡加强实验室建设营造一个好的环境使学生做实验如同化学家做研究一样;为此先生用自己的科研奖金在我院设立“戴安邦实验奖”;特别是他提出
Abstract: The guiding principle of Prof. DAI An-Bang on "Practising all round Chemical Education in every aspect" has been carried on for years in the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Nanjing University, and is fully discussed in the present paper. In the process of personnel training, educational reform should be stressed, experimental teaching should be emphasized, and teaching method of elicitation should be encouraged with a view to enhancing the quality of personnel training continuously.
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姚天扬,王志林.实施全面化学教育 提高人才培养质量[J].无机化学学报,2000,16(2):363-367.
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