Synthesis, Desulfurization and Microwave Assisted Air Regeneration Performance of Dawson-Type Molybdovanadophosphoric Heteropolyacid
马云倩 山东大学环境科学与工程学院济南 250100 
杨 烽 山东大学化学与化工学院济南 250100 
王 睿 山东大学环境科学与工程学院济南 250100 
摘要: 采用乙醚萃取法制备了Dawson结构磷钼钒酸H6+n[P2Mo18-nVnO62](n=1~4),考察了不同钒原子取代数目、吸收温度、H2S气体浓度、杂多酸吸收剂浓度等条件下,4种杂多酸水溶液对H2S的吸收效率,发现其中H7[P2Mo17VO62]吸收剂具有最佳脱硫性能。采用微波辅助空气再生的方法对脱硫后的H7[P2Mo17VO62]吸收剂强化再生,通过红外、X射线能谱着重对吸收前、微波再生前后的H7[P2Mo17VO62]吸收剂进行了表征,并通过测定氧化还原电位、化学需氧量(COD)分析了再生前后吸收剂的氧化还原情况,结果表明,H2S还原V(Ⅴ)之后又进一步还原了Mo(Ⅵ),微波能够活化氧气从而促进脱硫后吸收剂的再生,是优于单纯空气再生的一种新的再生方法。
关键词: Dawson结构磷钼钒酸  脱硫性能  单纯空气再生  微波辅助空气再生
Abstract: Dawson-type molybdovanadophosphoric heteropoly acid H6+n[P2Mo18-nVnO62](n=1~4) were prepared using the method of ethyl ether extraction, and the absorption efficiency of H2S by them was investigated under different conditions reflecting the effects of the number of vanadium, absorption temperature, concentrations of H2S gas and heteropolyacid. As a result, H7[P2Mo17VO62] absorbent showed the best desulfurization capacity of the four. Regeneration of the used H7[P2Mo17VO62] was carried out by pumping into microwave irradiated air. The absorbents pre- and post- microwave regeneration were characterized by IR and XPS, while tested by redox potentiometry and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The result showed that H2S reduces Mo(Ⅵ) after reducing V(Ⅴ), and the regeneration of heteropolyacid was promoted by foregoing microwave assisted air regeneration method which could activate O2 and therefore was proved to be a new method superior to single air regeneration.
Keywords: Dawson-type vanadium-substituted phosphomolybdic acid  desulfurization capacity  single air regeneration  microwave assisted air regeneration
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马云倩,杨 烽,王 睿.Dawson磷钼钒酸的合成、脱硫与微波辅助空气再生[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(10):2179-2185.
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