Electrodepositing Double Au-Cu Shells on Hollow Polystyrene Miscorsphere
伍国果 重庆文理学院机电工程学院, 重庆 402160  
金容 重庆文理学院新材料技术研究院, 重庆 402160 rong516112@sina.cn 
蒲勇 重庆文理学院新材料技术研究院, 重庆 402160  
黎军军 重庆文理学院新材料技术研究院, 重庆 402160  
闫恒庆 重庆文理学院新材料技术研究院, 重庆 402160  
张云望 中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心, 绵阳 621900  
张林 中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心, 绵阳 621900 zlmy@sina.com 
摘要: PS/Au/Cu双壳层核壳复合微球是在自制的电沉积装置中首先在空心聚苯乙烯微球模板上电沉积金形成PS/Au微球,然后再电沉积Cu。首先,PS/Au微球保持了较好的球形度,其中沉积层Au粗糙度低,且厚度达到5.6 μm。由于Au和铜有相同的面心立方晶体结构,所以Cu沿着Au的晶体结构在PS/Au表面沉积。微球断面Au-Cu结合非常紧致,Cu的厚度为8.62 μm,Au的厚度为4.04 μm。PS/Au/Cu微球和Au-Cu双壳层的形貌、厚度,成分和粗糙度是通过3D体式显微镜,SEM、EDS和XRD表征,其结果显示PS/Au/Cu微球及双壳层Au-Cu均匀细致,粗糙度低。
关键词: 双壳层  复合微球  电沉积
基金项目: 重庆文理学院校级科研项目(No.Z2014JD03)资助
Abstract: Double core-shells composite miscorsphere of PS/Au/Cu have been prepared by electrodepositing Cu on the PS-Au composite miscorsphere which is electrodeposited Au on the template of hollow polystyrene microsphere in the self-designed electrodepositing setup. Firstly, PS-Au miscorsphere keep a good spherical symmetric. And the Au electrodeposit is fine with thickness of 5.6 μm. Secondly, Cu is electrodeposited on integral PS-Au miscorsphere selected. Cu grow along crystal structure of Au because of the same face-centered cubic structure. Then the section of Au-Cu is compact. Finally, the thickness of Cu is 8.62 μm, the Au is 4.04 μm. The morphology, thickness, composition and roughness of PS/Au/Cu microsphere and double core-shells are studied by 3D-Video microscope, SEM, EDS and XRD. The results show that the complete shells of uniform deposit, good smoothness and low roughness of PS/Au/Cu microsphere and Au-Cu are synthesized on the surface of hollow polystyrene microsphere.
Keywords: double core-shells  composite microsphere  electrodeposited
投稿时间:2016-09-08 修订日期:2017-02-28
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