Applications of Porphyrin-Based Sensitizer in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
吴迪 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室南京大学-金川公司金属化学联合实验室南京 210093 
沈珍 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室南京大学-金川公司金属化学联合实验室南京 210093 
薛兆历 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室南京大学-金川公司金属化学联合实验室南京 210093 
游效曾 南京大学配位化学国家重点实验室南京大学-金川公司金属化学联合实验室南京 210093 
摘要: 染料敏化太阳能电池结合了染料光敏剂和无机半导体的优势,具有较宽的光谱响应范围,制造工艺简单、成本较低,对环境友好,应用前景广阔,因而备受人们的关注。本文以卟啉配合物为主线,介绍光敏太阳能电池的基本构造和光电原理,从改善电池性能的角度,综述了各种卟啉类光敏剂在染料太阳能电池中的应用,讨论了卟啉配合物及其超分子结构对光电转化率的影响机理。
关键词: 卟啉配合物  太阳能电池  光敏剂  多聚体  C60
Abstract: Dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) have received considerable attention due to its advantages of both photosensitized dyes and inorganic semi-conducting materials, wider light response range, simple manufacturing process, relatively low cost, environment friendly property and extensive perspective in applications. This review focus mainly on porphyrin-metal complexes based sensitizers. The basic construction and the photovoltaic principle of DSSC are introduced. The applications of varies porphyrins in the DSSC are reviewed from the viewpoint of improving the solar cell properties, in particular the influence of porphyrin substituents and their supramolecular structures on the photovoltaic efficiency.
Keywords: porphyrin-metal complex  dye sensitized solar cell  sensitizer  polymer  C60
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