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Information for Authors

(Revised January 2009)
Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistrypublishes fundamental studies in all phases of inorganic chemistry, including solid-state chemistry, coordination chemistry, inorganic materials chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, theoretical inorganic chemistry, supermolecule chemistry, applied inorganic chemistry and related field of catalysis. Emphasis is on the synthesis, thermodynamics, kinetics, spectroscopy, structure and bonding properties of new and known compounds.
In addition to full-length research articles, “Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry” also publishes notes, letters, and reviews. “Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry” accepts manuscript written in simplified Chinese or English.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Web submission site ( (English version). Please visit our Web site and follow the instructions to register and log in, and then submit your manuscript as directed. The registered author can log in and submit the manuscript in the Web site directly.
An illustrated table of contents synopsis (text plus graphic) must be included with the submitted manuscript.
A signed “Copyright Status Form” must be provided for each submitted manuscript. A form is available from the “Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry” Web site. The form must be faxed (Fax No. (86)-025-83592307) or mailed to The Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Chemistry Building, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, P. R. China). The date received for a manuscript is the receiving date of the signed “Copyright Status Form.
Authors must provide their e-mail addresses and fax numbers in their cover letter. The name of the author to whom inquiries regarding the paper may be addressed should be marked with an asterisk. Contributions must be original and must not have appeared elsewhere.
The prime criteria utilized to judge the quality of contributions will be their originality, significance, and novelty. Routine work and studies of narrow scope will not be published. Fragmentation of related work is unacceptable.
Receipt of a contribution for consideration will be acknowledged immediately by the Editorial Office, by e-mail if an address is supplied. The acknowledgement will indicate the paper reference number assigned to the contribution. Authors are asked to quote this number on all subsequent correspondence. The manuscript, if accepted, will be published in 3~7 months from the receipt of the manuscript. Ten free copies of electronic reprint will be sent to the corresponding author upon the publication of the manuscript.
When a paper is suitable for consideration, the Editor will normally seek the advice of two or more reviewers. Authors are encouraged to suggest possible reviewers who are experts in the research area covered by the manuscript and have no professional connections with the authors. The decision to accept or reject a manuscript rests solely in the hands of the Editor and the author(s) will be informed of the decision in 90 days after the receipt of the manuscript. A revised manuscript and a detailed reply to the reviewers’ comments should be uploaded via our Web submission site before the due date specified in the revision notice or in 15 days when the due date is not specified. Failure to upload a revised manuscript within the allotted time will result in the inactivation of the manuscript. Revisions of inactivated manuscript will be treated as a new submission.
1.      Manuscript Preparation
1.1    General consideration
    Contributions from foreign authors should be written in English. Spelling may be British or American, but consistency should be maintained throughout. Manuscripts should be presented in the utmost conciseness consistent with clarity. This holds for all parts of the manuscript, including tables, footnotes, references, figure captions, abstract and body of the text.
    The preferred arrangement for a manuscript is as follows:
     Title page—title, authors, authors’ laboratory or company, keywords, funding source, corresponding author and address, brief introduction to the first author, corresponding address, telephone number, E-mail address; Text pages—title, authors, Laboratory where the work was done, corresponding author and address, funding source and contract number (in footnote of page 1), brief introduction to the first author (in footnote of page 1 following the funding source), abstract, keywords, body of the article: Introduction, Experimental, Results (including figures and tables) and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References. Footnotes may be used when necessary.
CIF (Crystallographic Information File (CIF) format) should be sent via E-mail to the mail box of the Editorial Office ( for manuscript in crystal structure studies. Crystallographic data will be deposited by the Editorial Office with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) as part of the assessment process. Each structure will be assigned a separate CCDC number that will be quoted in the subsequent crystallographic report. Data will be held in the CCDC’s confidential archive until publication of the article.
New Compounds Characterization: Single-crystal X-ray diffraction results are not, in general, acceptable as the only means of characterization of new compounds. Compounds must also be characterized by spectroscopic and analytical methods appropriate for the particular sample or compound such as elemental analysis, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and electronic spectroscopy.
The elemental analysis data and the corresponding molecular formula must be provided for a new compound. Structure diagram or structure scheme must be provided for a new coordination compound.
1.2 Title
The title should be as briefly informative as possible and should not contain formulas or other symbols.
1.3 Authors
Authors signed for an article generally should not be more than five. The authors’ names should be given in as complete form as possible: surnames (last names), initials and first names. The complete mailing address (including the full name of the University or company, city, postal code) of the place where the work was done should follow the title and authors’ names. The current address for individual author, if different from the place where the work was done, should be indicated by superscript number. The telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided in title page.
1.4 Abstract
The abstract should be concise and informative and be written in the third person. Abstract should state briefly the purposes, methods for the work, significant results and conclusions. The length of the abstract should not be longer than 50 words. It should be so written that the readers could understand the reasons, methods and conclusions of the work without referring to the text.
       1.5 Keywords
A maximum of five keywords could be given. The authors should consult authorized “keywords heading list” in their specified fields for right keywords.
1.6 Funding
It should indicate funding source, title and contract number.
1.7 Brief Introduction to the first author
The first author’s name, age (or birth date), sex, degree or academic title and research interests should be given briefly.
1.8 Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion
1.8.1 Introduction should give clearly and briefly, with necessary references, only sufficient background material to show why the work was done and how it relates to the subject. Extensive reviews of the literature and /or numerous general references are inappropriate.
1.8.2 Experimental procedure should be given sufficient detail to enable others to repeat it. In theoretical papers technical details as computational methods should be confined to an appropriate named section. A description of the equipment and condition used for the measurement should be given.
1.8.3 Results and discussion may be combined or keep separated and may be further divided by subheadings.
1.9 Subheadings
Subheadings should be concise. No punctuation should be used. All numbering should use Arabic numbers only, such as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc.
1.10 Illustrations
Illustrations (graphs, figures, schemes, structural formulas or others) must be as prints produced by a drawing software package.
Illustrations must fit a one- or two-column format on the journal page.
Captions should be provided under the illustrations. Lines must be smooth, clear and no thinner than 0.5 points. Lettering and lines should be of uniform density. Photographs should be in high-contrast prints with a smooth or glossary finish and in single or double column width so that they will not have to be reduced. For best results, submit illustrations in the actual size at which they should appear in the journal.
1.11 Tables
Tables should be provided with a brief title and should only be divided by three horizontal lines (head rule, neck rule and foot rule). If reasonably possible they should be designed to occupy fully a single column, which will take 50-70 characters and spaces, or the full width of a page, which will take 110-150. Care should be taken to avoid any arrangement that unduly increases the depth of a table.
Graphics (figures, tables, structures, schemes, charts, TOC graphic) must be placed in the manuscript file, numbered consecutively, and correctly labeled. All the graphics and tables must be inserted in the text near the point of first mention, not grouped at the end of the text.
1.12 Nomenclature, units and symbols
Nomenclature should be clear, consistent, and unambiguous and should conform to the rules established by appropriate international bodies in specified fields. SI units and symbols should be used throughout.
1.13 Characters
Ensure that all characters are correctly represented throughout the manuscript: for example 1 (one) and l (ell), 0 (zero) and o (oh), x (ex) and ×(times sign).
1.14 Acknowledgements should be kept to a minimum.
1.15 References
1.15.1 General
References to literature and all notes in the text should be typed in square brackets numbered consecutively as superscripts after any punctuation. These should be listed in reference section following the text. Repetition of references should be avoided by using the superscript number corresponding to the original references. Bibliographic references to classified documents and reports or to the unpublished material not generally available to the scientific public should not be used. Names of three authors should be listed (if more than three, the et al should be used after the third author) in upper and lower case letters starting with surnames (last names), initials and first names. Last names and initials, first names should be separated by a comma. Where possible, composite references should be used: when composite references refer to the same journal, “ibid” should be used instead of repeating the journal’s full title. The translation of Chinese names should follow the rules of “Ping-Ying System”.
1.15.2 Mode of citation
(1) Articles: [serial number in citation], authors, title, journal name (general accepted abbreviation), year of publication, volume number (issue number): starting-ending page. For example:[3] Yang W, Fu H, Jana A, et al. Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48 (12): 5058~5060
(2) Books: [serial number in citation], authors, name of the book, edition (the first edition should not be indicated), place of publication: publisher, year of publication, starting-ending pages. For example:[8] Van Eldik R. Inorganic High Pressure Chemistry. Amsterdam :  Elesevier, 1986. 219
(3) Monograph: [serial number in citation], author, title: chief editor, name of the monograph, place of publication: publisher, year of publication, starting-ending pages. For example:[2] Meade T J, Busch D H. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry.Vol.33. Lippard S J Ed., New York:John Wiley & Sons, 1986. 59~63
(4) Patent: [serial number in citation], author’s name for the patent application, title, Country, classification of the patent, patent number, date of publication.
(5) Technical Standard: [serial number in citation], responsible person in drafting, standard code, standard serial number-year of issuing, name of the standard, place of publication: publisher, year of publication.
It will be of great assistance to the Editor’s office if the style, arrangement, and orthography of the manuscripts are made to conform to the usage of this journal as exemplified in recent issues. Authors should consult recent issues for reference.
2. Others
2.1 “Letters” column is meant to publish preliminary accounts of original and significant work that is likely to be of great interest to the specialist and that should be published promptly. Authors should explain briefly in a covering note or letter why they think that rapid publication of their work in the journal is justified. The communication should include title, author, laboratory where the work was done, text and references (less than 5 citations). Communications are strictly limited to two journal pages, i.e. 2000 words or the equivalent.
2.2 The author may inquire the status of the paper if there is no notice on the status of the paper within 3 months from the date of the submission. Manuscripts rejected will generally not be returned to the authors.
2.3 The Editor’s Office will be authorized to revise, to make corrections and condensations, to return the manuscript to authors for further correction, reprocessing and typing. Authors who do not agree to modify anything of the manuscript should state in advance.
2.4 Galley proofs in PDF file will be made available to the author electronically via the author’s e-mail box. Changes should be kept to a minimum. All changes must be returned electronically and changes must be listed with their locations clearly identified. Extensive changes are subject to editorial review. Proofs should be checked carefully and returned as soon as possible (within one week), as no paper is released for printing until the author’s proof has been received.
2.5 The manuscript will be returned to the author for reprocessing before review if the manuscript does not meet the criteria in style, arrangement and orthography set by this journal.
2.7 Mailing address:
The Editorial Office
Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry Building
Nanjing University
Nanjing, 210093
P. R. China
Telephone:  (86)-025-83592307
Fax:      (86)-025-83592307
Web site:
Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry